The development history and application of razor barbed wire

The product of razor wire has actually been around for a long time. Around the mid-19th century, during the agricultural migration in the United States, most farmers began to reclaim wasteland. Farmers realized the changes in the natural environment and began to use them in their planting areas. Install a barbed wire fence. Since migration from east to west provided people with raw materials, tall trees were used to make fences during the migration. Wooden fences became popular. In order to fill the vacancies in the wood and provide protection, people began to use thorny plants to set up fences. Coupled with the continuous progress of society, people adopted the idea of thorn protection and invented barbed wire to protect their land. This is the origin of razor wire.

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Modern razor wire craftsmanship is completed by machinery, and razor wire products are also diversified. The method of razor barbed wire is the stamping method of blade steel plate and core wire. The material of this product also includes galvanized razor barbed wire, PVC razor razor wire, stainless steel 304 razor razor wire, etc. The continuous progress of the razor razor wire industry has enhanced the anti-corrosion performance of this product and extended its service life.
Today's razor barbed wires are also more widely used for anti-theft protection in factories, private villas, residential buildings, construction sites, banks, prisons, money printing plants, military bases, bungalows, low walls and many other places.
How to install the frightening-looking razor wire safely on the fence?
In fact, when you see this blade barbed wire, it is much easier to install it without being timid and injuring yourself if you touch it.
In fact, there are only a few steps to install the razor wire:
1. When installing razor wire on the fence, there must be a bracket to support the razor wire for easy installation, so that the installation effect will be beautiful. The first step is to drill holes in the fence and use screws to stabilize the razor wire posts. Generally, there are support posts every 3 meters.
2. Install the columns, pull up the iron wire on the first column where the razor wire is to be installed, pull up the iron wire, use the iron wire to connect the razor wires together, and then fix the wire on the installed column.
3 The last and simplest part is to pull apart and fix the razor wires connected together with wires.

Post time: Feb-23-2024